Asia-Pacific Journal of
Operational Research


The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research is an international journal published by the Operational Research Society of Singapore and is the official journal of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS (APORS). It provides a forum for practitioners, academics and reseachers in operations research and related fields, within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region. APJOR is now published by World Scientific.

Instructions for submission of papers are available in pdf file format*. For more information on submission of papers, please contact the Editor, Assoc. Prof. G. Y. Zhao at For other enquiries, please contact the Managing Editor, Asst. Prof. K. M. Ng at

Call for Special Issues



Tables of Contents

(For recent issues, please visit World Scientific website.)

ACROBAT *Pdf files require Adobe Acrobat Reader

The Editorial Board


Prof. Defeng Sun
Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Area Editors

M Grazia Speranza
(Logistics, Distribution, Inventory and Transportation)
University of Brescia, Italy

T C Edwin Cheng
(Manufacturing and Service Systems)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Marc Teboulle
(Optimization Theory Algorithms and Applications)
Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Ivo Adan
(Stochastic Models and Simulation)
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Matthias Ehrgott
(Decision Analysis and Decision Making Techniques)
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Associate Editors

Co-Editors for Special Issues

Tadashi Dohi
Hiroshima University, Japan

S Viswanathan
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Ya-Xiang Yuan
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Editorial Advisors

Managing Editor

K M Ng
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Former Editors-in-Chief

Participating Societies

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